How do you define a hero? Is it the fire fighter that saved a family from a burning house? Is it the police officer that responds to protect your family from an intruder? Is it the first responder that is there to render aid at an accident? Is it our men and women in uniform that volunteer to keep America free?
The dictionary has several definitions. From a mythological figure to just an ordinary person who refused to be ordinary. When one is asked, “Who is your hero?”, the hero is often someone whose “heroic” actions directly impacted them. But many times, you walk among individuals that choose not to be ordinary. You go by them without notice, as they live their life much like you and me. It isn’t until one is in a situation and their natural reaction to fight, are they labeled a “Hero”.
The two hands coming together in our logo is representative of the hero reaching out to help another in need. The red stars, blue letter H and the white background each signify the components that make a hero, much like our American Flag. The red stars signify the hardiness and valor that is needed to step-up in that moment of need. The blue H signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. The white background signifies the purity and innocence of those in need.
So next time you see that police officer, fire truck or ambulance responding to a call, say a little prayer.
Pray for spiritual salvation and a faith in Christ to sustain them in the face of danger.
Pray for their protection and safety.
Pray for wisdom and discernment as they face every crisis.
Pray for increased skill and effectiveness in their daily tasks of coming to the aid of others.
Pray for courage and strength as they enter harm’s way.
Pray for vigilance as they keep watch. Ask God to give them confidence in their abilities to help others.
Pray for emotional protection, that the Father would guard their hearts, especially in the face of criticism or anger from others.
Pray for peace for the family members who are aware of the dangers their loved one’s face. Ask God to guard their marriage and family relationships. Pray they will feel supported and loved by their communities.